Sunday, October 12, 2014


I'm a few days into the Ideal Protein program. I thought I'd share some of my reflections and meal ideas. I am still finding it a bit strange that there are limited sites to learn more from other people's experiences but I did find that 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet has a forum dedicated to Ideal Protein.

The social aspect 

One of the hardest things I ever deal with when trying a lifestyle that is any bit restricted is the social pressure, feedback, concern, and opinions of others. I find that people can be so well meaning-- everyone knows something about dieting healthy--but damaging to morale at the same time. It is Thanksgiving weekend and I chose not to have a turkey dinner here. I also forfeited an invite to check out a new restaurant opening that I would have loved to go to. My friends feel that life should be enjoyed and a diet shouldn't take this away. I get that, I really do. My reply is that I would enjoy life so much more if I felt good, fit in clothes, fit in sports equipment, and had energy. I try to never take a day for granted as it is, but this is something I want more than missing out on a restaurant or trying a new shooter.

Then, I hear people saying things like
Oh you don't need to spend that much money to lose weight.
Have you researched this on PubMed?
The three people who have done this that I know gained it all back. 
You shouldn't lose weight fast like that. You should only do 2 lbs a week.
It's just a fad diet, you know those never work.

And, my favourites...
Just eat organic and follow the food guide. 
You should try green tea. 
Just cut out soda and sugar and you'll lose weight
I found Weight Watchers really helpful

Such well meaning souls, but so not supportive. I do have to say, Weight Watchers and I have dated so many times...I am not sure I can ever take them back again. I find the meetings repetitive and boring and I don't find that there is enough structure to keep one on track. I get that it works for some. I just have never even gotten to the point of even getting an effing keychain. I think that's what makes me bitter-I want the damn keychain already!

I feel like sending a letter to all my friends, or posting a melodramatic facebook status and saying, "okay people, here's what I need." I don't think it will go over well. So, I'm trying to get at them one person at a time. As it comes up. It will come up every time I have to decline something, shake a package of the ever-stigmatic processed and microwaved foods (things that until this, I had eliminated completely for years).
Tonight, we are going to a thanksgiving dinner and I'll have my 8oz of turkey with skin removed and two cups of turnip and cabbage. I will enjoy the social aspect and sip water. I'll also crack into an extra IP packet to get me through the wait and all should be okay. It's easy now because this is all new and I'm committed.

But, does anyone else notice how much of our social lives are steeped in food and alcohol?

Then, there's the other side. When someone says "but you are not that fat" I could kiss then and slap them at the same time. My reply is now "well, actually I am. I am 55% fat...more than half fat. And, my BMI is 46--that's a long way above morbidly obese." Of course, like many things with stigma attached--I can say that, they can't. It's a no-win situation. If someone else called me morbidly obese, it would hurt. But, I get mad when they say I am not fat enough for an extreme diet.

I think that I will be happy once my mental energy and physical fatigue lift and I'll be able to get out on the trails again. This will also give me a chance to invite friends out on a hike and get out of the routine of going for coffee, lunch, brunch, drinks...and all that other good stuff. That's what got me into this mess in the first place.

What I've been eating...

One of the things that I like about the program is that the food is provided. I have been doing an extra IP packet this week as I learn to curb the hunger. It helps. I have had some headache which seem to be from the overall shock as I've not been big about sugar or caffeine for some time. It could be pure fruit withdrawal! I've been taking 2 ibuprofin when required and pounding back water at between 2.5-3.5 litres a day. I have the occasional herbal tea or coffee with the allowed skim and sweetener. Last night, I treated myself to a soda water.

I bought the IP oatmeal, cereal, rotini, chicken soup, shakes and carmel bars. I can't say that they taste bad because they don't.

I enjoy the oatmeal, shakes, rotini and bars the most and I haven't had chance to get too creative yet. I usually just toss the rotini with some apple cider vinegar and red pepper and broccoli. I add a tsp of oil and salt and vinegar. I have the occasional romaine lettuce salad with oil and vinegar, or just vinegar if I have used the alotted 2 tsp of oil in my meal. The oil seems to help with the feeling of fullness.

I tested my urine with Ketostix and don't appear to be in ketosis quite yet. This could also be that I'm diluting my ketones with too much water but I do have the feeling that I'm not adjusted yet as I still have the headaches and lack of mental clarity. Time will tell. I'm going to try again in the morning.

If anyone is wondering, constipation was a warning but hasn't been an issue at all. That seems to be going right. And, I pee so often I don't have to worry about a "sedentary" desk job anymore. 

1 comment:

  1. Wendy, mom said it can take up to 10 days for Ketosis to start. Once it gets going it's amazing. Your first week will be half water weight, but into your second week it will kick in. It will happen.
    Also, for those nay-sayers, well, almost everyone gains weight back after a diet. That's because they go back to eating the same garbage as before. As with everything, it's a life-style change. Sugar is the enemy now, and later.
    I know my mother would not have me on a diet that I was doomed to fail. She wouldn't do that me me, and half the women and men in our town.

    Giv'r, and don't listen to anyone else but yourself.
